Our Services

Acoustic Design

Having increased privacy between private offices, reduced excessive reverberation in open plan office and improved acoustic quality of meeting rooms which were practically unusable; once again, an unambiguous relation between good acoustic design and productivity was established.

Acoustic Tests

Provided advice and supported the contractor in efforts to reduce interior noise levels, improve sound insulation and control reverberation time with the minimal additional costs.

Interior Room Acoustics

From design, through construction to completion; our assistance enabled indispensable low interior noise levels, extreme levels of sound insulation and minimum reverberation time; to a satisfaction of all the involved parties.

Noice Level Control

The principal focus of our work included facade sound insulation, airborne and impact sound insulation between the floors, chillers noise, elevator-induced noise and building services noise and
vibration control.

Sound Insulation

Providing advice on acoustic treatment for facade mullions which are acoustically weak points, targeted sound insulation ratings were achieved enabling high privacy levels between the bedrooms, without any impact to the gorgeous facade design.

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